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Privacy policy

Política de privacidad

1. Database owner’s details
Managing a Sustainable Business S.L (MAS Business onwards) with NIF: B83943191 with registered office at C / de Agustín de Foxá 40, 28036 Madrid, Spain.
For any query, modification or claim, please contact:

2. Terms of use
2.1. MAS Business is a brand belonging to Managing a Sustainable Business, S.L.

2.2. The MAS Business brand is registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, governed by law 17/2001, and its reproduction or modification is totally prohibited unless written permission is given.

2.3. MAS Business does not take responsibility for any errors produced on the page by problems outside its competence, including all subsets or categories that the Portal contains

2.4. Copyright prevails in all texts and images shown in the Portal and total or partial use is strictly prohibited unless permission is given by the author. Regarding texts and images belonging to third parties, they must be the ones to watch over their own Copyrights, since MAS Business does not take any responsibility for defending third parties’ Copyrights.

2.5. The use of the “Member Access” section of the MAS Business portal is subjected to the acceptance of these terms of use and our policy on data protection. Only MAS Business’ clients who have previously registered will be able to use this section.

2.6. The use of the “Contact” and “Newsletter” registration form indicates acceptance of the terms of use. Here the user may select the purposes to which the use of his/her data might be used for. More information in the “Data Protection” section.

2.7. The use of the MAS Business portal indicates that the user accepts without reservation all the general conditions mentioned in the Privacy Policy.

3. Data Protection
In compliance with the General Data Protection Law (GDPR) that replaces the previous law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Information Protection (LOPD), we inform you that the data entered in this form will be incorporated into our manual database in a file called “CLIENTS’ LIST” under the ownership of Managing A Sustainable Business S.L with the following purposes:
• Contact directly to answer questions and requests.
• Send personalized newsletters or emails about our activities and services.

As established by law you may or may not accept each purpose as it is not mandatory to give consent to both. It is considered that consent is given by checking the “Contact” and “Newsletter” boxes.
This file called CUSTOMER LIST is duly registered with the Data Protection Agency declaring that the person responsible for the file is John Charlton Scade, managing director, and you can contact him by writing to the email

MAS Business. commits to treat the data provided confidentially and not to share or transfer said information to third parties.

Also, we inform you of the possibility you have to exercise your access rights, rectify, cancel and oppose to your online data being used by sending an email to, with the subject “rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data” and a brief explanation of what your personal data is and if you wish to rectify, cancel or oppose to its use. MAS Business commits to answer you within a maximum period of 14 calendar days and to rectify or cancel your data in a maximum of 30 calendar days.

4. Cookies Policy

Cookies are information packages sent by web servers to web browsers, and stored by them. The information is sent back to the server every time the browser requests a page from the server. This allows a web server to identify and track web browsers.

There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from the computer when the browser is closed, whilst persistent cookies remain stored in the computer until they are deleted, or they reach their expiration date.

MAS Business only has cookies by third-parties:

• GOOGLE – MAS Business uses Google Analytics to analyse the use of the website. Google Analytics generates statistical information and other information regarding the use of the website through cookies, which are stored on users’ computers. The information generated in relation to our website is used to create reports on the use of websites. Google will store and use this information. You can consult Google’s Privacy Policy at: