In 2004, our Founder John Scade made his dream come true: he created his own Sustainability consulting firm.
Thus, MAS Business was born: as a result of a very brave and pioneering initiative in Spain.
Since then, at MAS Business we strive and work to meet the needs of organizations in terms of Sustainability, ESG and Social Impact.
In our daily work, we promote John’s legacy: helping organizations to be more sustainable.
We seek maximum engagement with our clients. We do not rest until we offer customized solutions that enable them to move towards Sustainable Development. We work together with them to promote responsible practices and help them become more competitive and sustainable.
The more than 150 clients with whom we have collaborated over the past twenty years are the best guarantee of our professionalism. We are confident we will continue to accompany even more organizations on their path to Sustainability.
We aim to help organizations in the management of their Sustainability.
With this goal in mind, we provide services and strategic solutions to create value and economic, social and environmental benefits.
We work with innovation and knowledge, based on our commitment to our Stakeholders.
We are proactive and offer a pragmatic approach (oriented towards feasibility, efficiency, effectiveness and risk control).
Our vision is to be part of the leading movement that provides ethical values and practical solutions for the integration of Sustainability in the management models of organizations.
We promote accountability and foster cooperation among organizations to be the reference firm in strategic and sustainable management consulting.

We believe in the balance between an avant-garde vision (which encourages innovation and proactivity) and a pragmatic approach (oriented towards feasibility, efficiency, effectiveness and risk control).
We seek this balance in order to offer solutions and services that best serve the triple bottom line (economic, social and environmental), so that organizations can be truly sustainable.
We aim to create a community of knowledge and of continuous learning.
This shared knowledge generates value, always oriented towards Sustainability.
We believe that an organization can only last over time if it’s sustainable: if it makes the most of its resources (both tangible and intangible) and it responds to the triple economic, social and environmental approach.
Being transparent is the basis of all our actions, with customers and other stakeholders (such as employees, partners and collaborators).
We believe in transparency as a driver of trust and good management at work.
We get involved with our clients’ Sustainability projects, efforts and goals. We support their social and environmental causes aimed at the Sustainability of the planet and the people who live on it.
We give great importance to our own social action, in order to contribute to a fairer world.
Since 2005, we have been committed to the UN Global Compact initiatives in Spain and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
We are a licensed assurance provider for AccountAbility, a global consulting and standard-setting firm that works on ESG issues with companies, investors, governments and multilateral organizations.
We are members of the Think Tank, promoted by the Social Impact Chair of the Comillas University, which works to lay the foundations of a common language related to the measurement and management of social impact.
In 2015, we were awarded the ‘efr microentidad’ certificate for our ‘work-life balance’ policy. We promote equal opportunities, respect for diversity and a balance between personal, family and professional life.
We are members of ESIMPACT, an association formed by professionals, institutions and companies in the field of social impact.
We participate in the Spanish Multisectorial Association of Microenterprises, which supports the business activity of micro-SMEs.